(Non Energy Benefits) img
Web tool for collection and determination of non energy benefits connected to energy saving projects

About the tool

Initially, the method for valuing the side effects of energy saving projects was tested on five case studies. A description of these energy saving projects and the identification and valuation of side effects can be found at examples (currently only available in Danish).

The tool is primarily developed for energy consultants and other advisers dealing with energy efficiency projects in industry, trade and services.

Behind the tool are AURA Energi, the Danish Technological Institute and Ea Energy Analyses, who developed the tool in the period of 2012-2013. The project was funded by Elforsk, a R&D programme of the Danish Energy Association. Since, the web tool has been improved and the database is growing.

More information on non-energy benefits and the field of research:
ACEEE (2015): Multiple Benefits of Business-Sector Energy Efficiency: A Survey of Existing and Potential Measures. Energy’s Multiple Benefits.

IEA (2014): Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency. OECD/ International Energy Agency.

IEA (2012): Spreading the Net: The Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency Improvements. International Energy Agency. Insights Series 2012.

In detail
Gudbjerg, E., Dyhr-Mikkelsen, K., and Andersen, C. M. (2014): Spreading the word – an online non-energy benefit tool. ECEEE 2014 Industrial Summer Study; 171-178.

Nehler, T., Thollander, P., Ottoson, M., and Dahlgren, M. (2014): Including non-energy benefits in investment calculations in industry – empirical findings from Sweden. Business models to improve industrial efficiency. The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. ECEEE 2014 Industrial Summer Study, 711-719.

Woodroof, E.A. et al. (2012): Energy conservation also yields: capital, operations, recognition and environmental benefits, Energy Engineering, Vol. 109, No. 5, Taylor & Francis; 7–26.

Willoughby, S., Guo, S.,Dahlgren, M., Schaefer, T., and Jia, H. (2011): Quantifying non-energy benefits of a carbon reduction initiative for a glassware company. ECEEE 2011 Summer Study; 685-690.

Heffner, G. and N. Campbell (2011): Evaluating the Co‐benefits of Low‐Income Energy Efficiency Programmes”. Workshop Report, OECD/IEA, Paris.

Preval, N. et al. (2010): Evaluating energy, health and carbon co-benefits from improved domestic space heating: A randomised community trial. Energy Policy, Vol. 38, No. 8, Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam; 3965-3972.

Ürge-Vorsatz, D., Novikova, A., and Sharmina, M. (2009): Counting good: quantifying the co-benefits of improved efficiency in buildings. ECEEE 2009 Summer Study; 185-195.

Sunderland, L., and McLean,S. (2009). Retrofitting technology to real homes: assessing the multiple impacts of solarpowered ventilation. ECEEE 2009 Summer Study; 1561-1566.

Lung, R., A. McKane, R. Leach, and D. Marsh (2005): Ancillary Savings and Production Benefits in the Evaluation of Industrial Energy Efficiency Measures. The American Council for an Energt Efficiency Economy. ACEEE 2005 Summer Study Proceedings; 103-114.

Worrell, E., J. Laitner, M. Ruth, and H. Finman. (2003): Productivity Benefits of Industrial Energy Efficiency Measures. Energy 28, 1081-1098.

Finman, H. and Laitner, J. A. (2001): Industry, energy efficiency and productivity improvements. The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. Proceedings of the 2001 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, 561-570.