(Non Energy Benefits) img
Web tool for collection and determination of non energy benefits connected to energy saving projects


Assessment of NEBs : (B) = Calculated; (M) = Measured; (S) = Certain; (U) = Uncertain; (E) = Other; (G) = Estimated
Industry category[Filter]
10250Building and construction companyHeat pumpTEST 
Case responsible: Steen Olesen      Position: Seniorkonsulent     Employed at: SUSTAIN Solutions
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Consumption of material ? Not valued
2 - Awareness ? Not valued
3 - Flexibility in production ? Not valued
10249Raw material extractionOtherIron and steel Faisal
Case responsible: Faisal      Position: researcher      Employed at: Utrecht University
increase productivity
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Consumption of material ? Not valued
2 - Productivity ? Not valued
3 - Product quality ? Not valued
4 - Increased production capacity ? Not valued
5 - Customer satisfactory/loyalty ? Not valued
6 - Awareness ? Not valued
7 - Sustainability ? Not valued
8 - Safety ? Not valued
9 - CO2 emissions ? Not valued
10 - Waste ? Not valued
11 - Air/Dust ? Not valued
12 - Air/Noise ? Not valued
13 - Room temperature ? Not valued
14 - Flexibility in production ? Not valued
15 - Better energy label of the building ? Not valued
16 - Improvements/maintenance of the building exterior ? Not valued
17 - maintenance costs ? Not valued
10248Building and construction companyCeiling / roof insulationdrafgfd 
Case responsible: afdg      Position:      Employed at: afafgr
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Consumption of material ? Not valued
2 - Productivity ? Not valued
3 - Product quality ? Not valued
4 - Customer satisfactory/loyalty ? Not valued
5 - Awareness ? Not valued
6 - Safety ? Not valued
7 - Stress ? Not valued
8 - Flexibility in production ? Not valued
10247Building and construction companyOtherTest Tool 
Case responsible: Richard Lüchinger      Position: Research     Employed at: HSLU
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Productivity2000%
2 - Customer satisfactory/loyalty ? Not valued
3 - Safety ? Not valued
4 - Stress ? Not valued
5 - CO2 emissions ? Not valued
6 - Flexibility in production ? Not valued
7 - Better branding ? Not valued
8 - maintenance costs5000%
10246  motor system retro fit 
Case responsible: g      Position:      Employed at: f     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10245Building and construction companyFacade insulationSkovlyporten 
Case responsible: Jørn Nicolaisen      Position: Bygningskonstruktør     Employed at: Kuben Management
Fuld renovering
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Draught ? Not valued
2 - Room temperature ? Not valued
3 - maintenance costs ? Not valued
10244Chemical and pharmaceuticalCompressed airtest 
Case responsible: a      Position:      Employed at: b
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Consumption of material ? Not valued
2 - Product quality ? Not valued
3 - Space requirements ? Not valued
4 - maintenance costs ? Not valued
10243 PumpsTest 
Case responsible: 1      Position:      Employed at: 2     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10241Whole sale and retailing TEST 
Case responsible: Studerende      Position:      Employed at: Studerende UCN     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10240  TEST 
Case responsible: Studerende      Position:      Employed at: Studerende UCN     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10239Other thingsDryingTest 
Case responsible: Test      Position:      Employed at: Test     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Consumption of material20%
2 - Sustainability-30%
10238 Biomassssss 
Case responsible: s      Position:      Employed at: s     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10236UtilitiesProcess EquipmentHydraulik optimering 
Case responsible: Henning Horst      Position: Energirådgiver     Employed at: EWII Energi A/S
Hydraulik optimering med frekvens styring
Notat about technology:
Kendt motor teknologi
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Non planned outage time15%
2 - Awareness5%
3 - Flow of employees10%
4 - CO2 emissions5%
5 - Waste25%
6 - Air/Noise30%
7 - Room temperature5%
8 - Better branding5%
9 - maintenance costs20%
10235UtilitiesProcess EquipmentHydraulik optimering 
Case responsible: Henning Horst      Position:      Employed at: EWII
Hydraulik optimering med frekvens styring
Notat about technology:
Frekvens styring af hydraulik pumper
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Neccesary working capacity/manpower ? Not valued
2 - Awareness5%
3 - CO2 emissions20%
4 - Air/Noise10%
5 - Room temperature33%
6 - maintenance costs15%
10234 LigthningUdskiftning af belysning i kontorer og gangarealer 
Case responsible: Ole Theibel Dahl      Position: Energirådgiver     Employed at: Scanenergi A/S
Udskiftning af belysning i kontorer og gangarealer
Notat about technology:
Udskiftning af traditionelle lyskilder til LED belysning i kontor. Der udskiftes til runde LED paneler og 60 X 60 LED panler
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Sustainability100%
2 - Other ? Not valued
3 - Waste1%
4 - Ligth200%
5 - Other100%
6 - Better branding100%
7 - maintenance costs20%
10233  Scanenergi TEST 
Case responsible: Søren Dürr Grue      Position:      Employed at: Scanenergi A/S     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10232AgricultureWindow or windscreen replacementtest sag 
Case responsible: Morten      Position:      Employed at: Scanenergi     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
test test..
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Customer satisfactory/loyalty ? Not valued
2 - Other ? Not valued
3 - Room temperature ? Not valued
4 - Flexibility in production ? Not valued
10230  Test 
Case responsible: Test      Position: Test     Employed at: Test     DRAFT
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
10227Whole sale and retailing Udskiftning af lyskilder 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Product quality ? Not valued
2 - Sustainability ? Not valued
3 - Ligth ? Not valued
4 - maintenance costs ? Not valued
10226Transport and handling of goodsLigthningUdskiftning af lyskilder 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Sustainability10%
2 - Ligth40%
3 - maintenance costs15%
10225Metalical and metal industryLigthningUdskiftning af lyskilder 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Productivity20%
2 - Sustainability10%
3 - Ligth30%
4 - maintenance costs20%
10224Other manufactoring companyLigthningUdskiftning af lyskilder 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Sustainability20%
2 - Ligth50%
3 - maintenance costs10%
10223Other manufactoring companyHeatingGasfyr til fjernvarme 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Other60%
2 - Sustainability10%
3 - Room temperature20%
4 - maintenance costs25%
10222Metalical and metal industryLigthningNye lyskilder 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Fra 58W lysstofrør til lavenergirør LED
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Ligth ? Not valued
2 - maintenance costs ? Not valued
10221Other thingsDevices with minor energy consumptionVarmestyring 
Case responsible: Ida Christiansen      Position: Interviewer     Employed at: Ea Energianalyse
Notat about technology:
Chosen NEB´s and their valuation in terms of energy savings: PDF
1 - Sustainability20%
2 - Room temperature30%
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